08.08.23 in Injectables & Dermal Fillers

Why Have An Aesthetic Consultation Before Treatment

Why Have An Aesthetic Consultation Before Treatment

Whether it’s your first time or you are an experienced patient of aesthetic treatments, it’s important to have a consultation before treatment. Aesthetic medicine offers minimally invasive cosmetic treatments to improve one’s appearance.

Popular treatments like Juvederm or Botox can make notable or subtle changes to your appearance. For these reasons, an aesthetic consultation will help you clearly define your cosmetic goals before having the treatment done. Moreover, at Magnolia Medical & Aesthetics, we take a personalized approach to each patient’s treatments and procedures.

Continue reading to discover more reasons and benefits of having an aesthetic consultation before treatment.

You Get To Explore Different Treatment Options

A pre-treatment consultation makes it more likely that you will enjoy your treatment results. Plus, during a consultation, you are made aware of other treatment options that you may not have heard of. Oftentimes, these additional options can make your cosmetic results better than you originally thought possible. During this time, it also allows us to create a personalized plan so you can ultimately achieve the look you have always wanted.

Many times, patients may begin with the idea that they simple just need a facial, Botox, a filler, or an anti-aging treatment. But not being privy to other treatment options, you could be depriving yourself of treatments that can help you meet your long-term objectives.

In short, the best plan might include a combination of several treatments that will deliver the best results. And our certified providers will know exactly how to combine these treatments to achieve the outcome you desire.

So, What Happens During An Aesthetic Consultation Before Treatment?

During your consultation, your provider will:

  • Learn about your cosmetic goals and objectives
  • Gather your medical information
  • Learn about preexisting conditions you may have
  • Perform a thorough skin analysis
  • Discuss the various available treatment options
  • Develop a personalized treatment plan create specifically for you

In addition, a consultation is a two-way street. There is a give and take of information between you and your provider. For instance, you both have information to share and information to receive. And there will be ample time to voice your concerns and ask all your questions as our consultations are never rushed.

There Is A Holistic Approach To Your Aesthetic Plan

Because everyone’s skin is different, treatments can create different results when combined with other procedures. For these reasons, we believe every patient deserves a holistic and thoughtful approach to their plan.

In fact, combining several different treatments often results in a more balanced and natural look. Therefore, at your consultation, your provider will have an expert knowledge of skin diseases and skin anatomy. They will also be current on the latest technologies and aesthetic treatments.

Safety Matters Are Addressed

An important aspect of your consultation concerns your safety as well as the safety of our providers. After you have provided your medical information, your provider will review your medical history including underlying conditions.

This is the only way we can be sure the treatment will be successful and won’t cause unwanted reactions. Given these points, your truthfulness in providing your medical information is of the utmost importance.

You will also be told about potential complications and side effects. While every procedure has some level of risk, they vary depending on your medical history and the procedure.

Lastly, Procedures Are Discussed

Your provider will talk to you about:

  • Different treatment options based on your objective
  • What happens during the actual procedure(s)
  • The results you can realistically expect
  • What you may need to do to maintain the longevity of your results

Next, with your budget in mind, we develop a plan, and you are on your way to enjoying an enhanced you! Are you considering having an aesthetic procedure done? Great! Book your aesthetic consultation so we can talk about it before treatment.

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